Since I am gardening in such a small space, I need to make sure that I am maximizing every inch possible.
When I was doing my initial research, I came across the Instructable on upside down hanging planters.
Perfect for my fire escape and for this project. Using recycled materials, so it’s inexpensive and efficient. They are also easy to make.
Tools and materials
- 2L soda bottle
- Duct tape
- Razor
- Hole puncher
- Thick twine or thin rope
- Instructions on how to make an upside vegetable planter
- Use razor to cut off bottom third or so of soda bottle.
- Wrap duct tape around the bottom part of the soda bottle. Make sure that half of the duct tape is on the bottle and half is above it.
- Cut slits about 2-3″ apart in the duct tape and fold over.
- Punch two holes about halfway down the duct tape. Cut two more on the opposite side.
- Cut string and thread through two of the holes form the outside in. Do the same on the other side.
Hi! I just started something similar, in a more girlish style…
Good Luck & Enjoy your garden!
What mine aren't girlish enough for you?
Good luck and I'll be keeping a lookout on your garden.
Shall we say that the two gardens are kinda twins?
They started their lives at the same time… Mine lives in London downtown anyway
LOVE it! I might just have to give that one a try!
That works for me.
Heather, if you do, please let me know how it goes. Haven't had much success yet. The parsley looks to be hurting at this point.
Not sure if it's me or that it just doesn't work.
Way too cool. Would have never thought about this. But I had never lived in NY either.
Thanks. Not sure I'm sold on this yet though. Will do a follow up post soon.
But why grow things out of the bottom? You've got to deal with the soil/water leaking out. Why not just put the lid on and grow stuff out of the top? like a regular pot, just made out of an upside down bottle.
Good call Craig. I did the upside down because of the limited space. Thought it would best suit what I was working with, plus it looked kinda cool.
Think I need to re-evaluate and what your suggestion definitely makes sense.
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
Thanks Margaret. Glad you are enjoying.
I'm contemplating reorganizing the site to make it easier to follow.
Appreciate you following and commenting.
This idea is really neat, but plants move water around with the help of gravity so I think that might be why they seem hurt and confused! I would just use the exact same planters as is, but grow the herbs right side up and put a medium sized rock where the neck of the bottle is to keep the dirt in. That way it's perfect for letting water drain out. Also, with the plant right-side-up, it will be able to grow bigger instead of being cramped by the bottle neck and depending on the plant, you might save water because you don't have to pour as much in to make sure it gets all the way down to the roots (if the roots were shallow). Looks very cool though! I like that the bottle is clear so you can see exactly where the roots are and if it's root-bound and needs to be transplanted.
Thanks for the comment and suggestion Hannah. It's already done and working much better…
This is a great idea, I can't wait to try it out. I actually have room for a garden where I live, but this is just too cool.
Thanks for the comment. Unfortunately these were a failure. I'd recommend making these hanging herb planters instead…
Thanks for the comment. Unfortunately these were a failure. I'd recommend making these hanging herb planters instead…
This is cool! My balcony is quite big but this is way too cool I’m going to give it a try. Perfect for growing herbs. I may use Hannah’s suggestion though coz I think it’s a great idea for good drainage.
Yup. Works much better that way
Super cool idea
These are a great idea for creating with children …. but if you are looking to maximise planting space, how about planting a herb in the top of the bottle, as well as one hanging out the bottom. Companion planting would work a treat. For example, Tomato hanging out the bottom and basil growing out the top ?? Marigolds would also be very good for the top as they are excellent for soil conditon and would add colour to an otherwise (hopefully) very green garden!
Good call, but I attempted to grow upside down and didn’t work out too well for me. So I just started to grow this way.
Colorful cotton bags with drawstrings top and bottom to slip the bottles into look very nice.I have herbs in them.Would like to try two plants in one suggested by BevGreen, but somehow haven’t got the hang of it.I have one bottle below the other. Works well.
That’s a great idea.
Hi Pramila
The double plant idea worked but with limited success. Tomatoes were happy hanging up side down, as are strawberries and herbs like thyme, but basil was very unimpressed! It like being planted upright! The kids at school also extended the soft drink bottle idea into any large bottle! So now we have tomatoes growing in large upside down catering size ketchup containers(!) they seem to know their destiny! When you start seeing bottles as plant pots there are trillions of them out there
DO NOT imitate the way he handles that utility knife! Especially when he’s slitting the duct tape.
Thanks for the tip.
just curious but why upside down? the plants could just as easily grow out the top. ok maybe not tomatoes but herbs. I just saw one using a hanging pocket shoe organizer to plant herbs and or salad veggies.
It was an idea that failed.
Thanks! Great tip.
This is all fine and well-intended, but…how about the BPAs leeching into the water and subsequently into the food? Or have I missed something in the way America does business where plastics are concerned? I know that I try to use as little plastic as possible. I am not trying to be sarcastic. I would really like a definitive answer about this. Thanks!
great idea
I’ve been using an idea from south america, you have long stacks of bottles. they’re upside down still. with a hole-saw you cut a hole in the base of one, push the top of another through the hole and use the lid to bolt them together, a few holes in the lid and the water drains in the bottle below, a window in the side give access to the plant. a collection bottle at the bottom lets you recycle water and nutrients to the top again. I’m currently growing lettuce and strawberries with four growing bottles and the collector, thats about six foot high and hangs on the washing line. once the plant is too big for the confines of the bottle ease it sideways through the hole and soon the bottle is hidden by yr plant. an added bonus is that slugs and snails have a right hard time getting yr greens. I reckon with a six foot section of wall you could have 20-24 bottles all hanging up.
If you’re worried about plastic, pick up some scrap wood, a cheap hammer, some nails, and build some little hanging boxes for your space. Space the wood pieces on the bottom so that is ever so slightly open-slatted, line the box with cotton cloth, straw, coco liner, or whatever…plant, and hang. However, I do love the idea of reusing soda bottles! Reuse and repurpose when you can! Thanks for the tutorial!
I grew tomato plants upside down in shopping bags, they don’t need a stake, and they grew as big as a small tree- I’m going to try the stacking of pop bottles on top of one another, this spring- saw on youtube