“Mr. Dhananjay Chakraborty, a taxi driver in Kolkata…has created a rooftop garden on his cab and has a mini green cavern in the trunk of his car with potted plants. It was truly an amazing and awe-worthy sight. He calls it the ‘subuj rath’ or the green chariot.”
His car has metal containers on the rooftop, and he has planted flowers at his taxi stand too. You can view potted plants in the trunk and a completely green interior. This all started about three years ago when he potted a money plant that a passenger had left behind in his cab. Since then he has nurtured and cared for it, and added even more living plants to his taxi.
You can see more pictures and read the full article at: “TheBetterIndia.com“
That is so cool. It must be nice (and different) to get a ride in that taxi. Not very safe, but definitely cool.