GREENFIELD — Winter is coming and as the frost begins to linger, bees and butterflies are searching for somewhere to survive the freezing months.
On Wednesday, gardener, photographer and pollinator advocate Larri Cochran will give a talk entitled “Fall Gardening for Pollinators: Helping Bees and Butterflies Survive Winter,” during which attendees will learn how to make a garden bed into a winter home for pollinators.
The free talk, offered by Greening Greenfield’s Planting for Pollinators campaign, will be held at the First Congregational Church, 43 Silver St., at 6:30 p.m. The talk will be followed by questions, and refreshments will be served.
“Having pollen and nectar-providing plants growing right up until hard frost is important to ensure pollinators can load up on food before the winter,” Cochran said. “They also need shelter throughout the year, and food in the early spring.”