Sprouts Growing On the Shipping Pallet Herb Garden

Posted on Oct 15 2010 - 3:16am by Mike Lieberman

A few weeks ago I started the shipping pallet herb garden on my balcony. There are sprouts that are starting to grow.

The top most row had parsley planted in it. Only one of the containers is actually showing parsley sprouts and they aren’t where I had initially planted them.

Since when I water the garden, I water the parsley at the top, the seeds might be getting dislodged. This is might not be allowing them to get situated and firmly root.

The middle row has coriander in it and all of the containers are sprouting. I might actually have to thin them out a bit soon as well.

The bottom row has dill planted and those are sprouting as well. After the rain the other day, I thought the dill sprouts were going to get drowned out, but they survived.

At the very bottom, I have a few containers to catch the water. I’ll reuse this water 2-3 times before I use new water to water the garden. This helps to conserve water.

Thus far the shipping palette herb garden is doing great. It’s something that I’d definitely recommend for other to build for their garden.


2 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. Paperwhitetulip October 15, 2010 at 5:21 pm -

    You are inspiring me to start up a Herb garden again 😉 I need to do major weeding first! grrrrrr~

  2. Mike Lieberman October 15, 2010 at 6:17 pm -

    Stop reading and start weeding.

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