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Don’t let space or time hold you back from growing your own food! There are plenty of things you can plant in your garden, windowsill or tiny patio...

Gardening in a small space can be just as rewarding and fun as growing in a large garden area.  These days, urban gardeners are growing more of their...

➡️ JOIN our NEW FB GROUP! ✅ “Urban Organic Gardeners” Post YOUR practical container gardening tips and encourage others...

Khenti Pratt’s community garden was an oasis for neighbors, and a source of sustenance and pride. She poured time and money into transforming a blighted...

Police want to know who burned dozens of beehives in a town just south of Houston. One of the beekeepers said the losses are truly staggering. “We’re...

Choose Herbs That Meet Your Needs The most important place to begin with any home apothecary is to accurately assess your home health care needs. If you...

Morgan Freeman, the actor, film director and philanthropist has added a new title to his name: Beekeeper. The 81-year-old celebrity decided to convert...

A new testing method has revealed nearly half of the honey sold in Australia, one of the world’s largest exporters of honey, is diluted with cheap sweeteners...

The Dutch have a progressive way of thinking and acting that can stand as a model for many countries. Remember how long cannabis has been decriminalized...

The iridescent blue wings of the California pipevine swallowtail are considered by collectors to be among the most magnificent in North America. For centuries...

The concept of a permaculture garden is to provide long-term solutions that maximize outputs and minimize inputs while cycling energy and resources through...

Eight years ago, after they were evicted from their Santa Monica apartment, John and Molly Chester bought 200 acres of land just outside of Los Angeles...

Living in an apartment, I long for a backyard where I can have sprawling planter beds, fruit trees and giant pots of flowers. I don’t have to put...

A new study from the University of Colorado Boulder found a certain type of bacteria in the soil helps reduce stress and overall, could make you happier. Previous...

The word Walipini, derived from the Aymaran language and an indigenous Bolivian tribe, is translated as “a place of warmth” and is an earth-sheltered...

Welcome to the Club! UOG is a fully customized monthly garden club that is curated JUST FOR YOU, and full of unique garden seeds & supplies. #urbanorganicgardener   🐝...

Humus is the blood, the life of your garden soil. Every gardener’s primary concern should be to make year-by-year improvements to their soil. Soil without...

A few years ago we adopted a couple large rabbits from a local rescue organization.  They exclusively rescue rabbits from shuttered pet stores and from...

Those yellow dots that “litter” your otherwise “perfectly green” lawn are more than just pesky weeds. Dandelion has been considered a valuable...

In case you’ve somehow missed it: The bees are dying and yes, it’s something we should all care a lot about, because bees are IMPORTANT. We...