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Try growing these 38 beautiful edible flowers in your yard or garden. Not only will you help provide nectar for friendly pollinators in your garden, but...

“Fore! Ok, maybe a few more than four. Closer to 2,000. But the golf clubs used by Wayne Riedel and Eric Joosten in Darien’s urban garden on...

“It’s official. As tragically revealing as the move might be, the rusty-patched bumble bee has now joined the grizzly bear, gray wolf, northern...

  “DETROIT (WXYZ) – As urban gardening grows in popularity more and more people are trying their hand at a green thumb. However, those...

“Last summer, Paul Maeillo had to clear a vacant lot in North Philadelphia, and he wasn’t happy about it. He’d done it plenty of times before,...

CreditJason Henry for The New York Times CreditJason Henry for The New York Times “OAKLAND, Calif. — Even by the standards of the Bay Area, where...

“It feels good, putting the seed down. Watching it grow. Watching it produce fruit. It’s a beautiful thing,” said Darian Belton, owner...

Mosquitoes can quickly ruin the enjoyment of your outdoor garden experience. Ordinary repellents are full of nasty chemicals that you probably don’t...

HAPPENING TODAY– “Hundreds of thousands of concerned citizens will hit the streets May 19th, 2018 for the 7th international March Against Monsanto...

OFFICIAL TRAILER 2018: Genetically Modified Children, Coming June 5. “Can Monsanto chemicals permanently alter your child’s genes? Low-income...

Aloha Familia! Our beloved Laura & Noah Dawn are going through a huge life-upheaval with the volcanic eruptions happening in their hometown of Pahoa,...

“Vacant lots dot lower-income neighborhoods across the country. In many cities, urban growers have planted in those lots, repurposing abandoned city...

“A former Baltimore County steel mill is going green, as a Chicago-based urban farming operation looks to transform a portion of the former Sparrows...

One-acre garden provides fruit, veggies and eggs for 50 families with very little labor More and more people are learning growing food doesn’t have...

Urban areas are difficult for someone who wants to maintain a fresh diet. The main reason is money: fresh vegetables and fruits are expensive because...

Enter our UOG Photo Contest to win a FREE 6 month, 3 month, or 1 month subscription full of heritage garden seeds! Your subscription will be customized...

Learn 30 Things That Can Make Your Garden Better! 1. Cardboard and Newspapers Must you have cardboards and newspapers? Do you know you can use them in...

Seedlings do not emerge after planting: It’s possible that not enough time has passed. Make sure your soil is not too dry and that the temperature...

“While browns and greens are essential to composting, they only provide the venue and the buffet. A vast web of critters, creatures, and itty-bitty...

DENVER — Gone are the days of moving to rural communities to become farmers. Instead, more and more people living in metro areas are becoming, ‘Urban...