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Close-up of agriculture red tractor cultivating field over blue sky Due to a concoction of irresponsible, shortsighted and cheap practices, conventional...

“Irrespective of whether you are gardening in patio containers or have backyard hydroponics, UOG’s seed packs are the way to go, because the UOG...

“Through the construction of urban gardens on abandoned city lots, Buckets of Rain diminishes urban blight, rekindles hope in struggling neighborhoods,...

“The 58-year-old owner of Half Price Books is throwing a Lake Highlands neighborhood party Thursday for the public reveal of Rooster Home &...

Bean Head Farm takes underutilized land & grows fresh produce for food banks & shelters. Learn more about Bean Head Farm, here: “BeanHeadFarm“ ...

“Eight miles from downtown, amid the warehouses and factories and railroad tracks of Bell, Corinne McAndrews plots out two rows of Purple Queen...

In Detroit, a three-story vacant building will now be a home to a community resource center adjacent to an urban garden which provides fresh, locally...

Grow food ALL-YEAR-ROUND with the NEW Urban Organic Gardener’s Monthly Seed Club! December is a great time to plant frost-hardy crops such as beets,...

In Tokyo you can find a 9 story office building which boasts an urban farm built into it, right in the middle of the city’s modern and crowded streets. “The...

In 2003, Rosa found an 1,800-meter dumpsite that was inhabited by homeless beggars…she “decided to look for the owner of this site, who...

In Gary, “Nearly two dozen students at the high school are taking the Entrepreneurship and Personal Finance class, which oversees the farm. A couple...

  There’s a lovely garden being operated in DC where neighbors are coming together to learn how to cook with fresh produce, grown right in...

Erik Knutzen and Kelly Coyne have been farming their yard in Los Angeles for over a decade. In addition to a mini orchard and extensive veggie garden,...

Ron Finley plants vegetable gardens in South Central LA — in abandoned lots, traffic medians, along the curbs. Why? For fun, for defiance, for beauty...

“David and Henrie Whitcomb’s vertical garden redeemed a chunk of unusable space on their 2,500-square-foot wraparound terrace in New York’s...

One of the state’s LARGEST urban farms is being dreamed up right in the center of the city’s biggest food deserts.  “When Jonathan...

“This community garden offers a shared plot for farming as well as a space for family and freinds – but only recently was it an overgrown...

“We are running out of space for farmland and a third of all food that is produced is wasted. Ken Dunn has been called the greenest man in Chicago...

Grow food ALL-YEAR-ROUND with the the NEW Urban Organic Gardener’s Monthly Seed Club! December is a great time to plant frost-hardy crops such as...

Orange County is aiming for going more GREEN with a new local food sourcing program called the “Center-to-Table Gardens in the West Concourse”....