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Permaculture is a system of agricultural and social design principles centered on simulating or directly utilizing the patterns and features observed...

If you live in Santa Fe and you have a backyard garden, you can now sell any fresh produce you grow right out of your own home. “It’s...

In Lakewood Colorado a new business is taking shape. Business owner Sean Conway is a new kind of farmer. “It just made sense to me to replace grass...

On top of this new 40,000 square foot roof you’ll find a vineyard, with an organic farm and bee keeping program.  They also plan on opening a restaurant...

Fresh eggs, sharp goat cheese, rich honey — raising animals definitely comes with it’s own set of benefits. However, if you’re looking to supplement...

People all over the world are beginning to understand the importance of having a connection with the land and farmers who are growing your food. Butler...

“Consumers are increasingly demanding access to locally grown produce – even at big box stores. Target heard that call, and they’re answering...

Last Chance! Must join before November 4th if you’d like to receive a shipment this Month. Shipments go out November 5th. Get seeds & garden...

Here are nine easy tips for growing more food in a small garden: 1) Grow in Beds, not Rows 2) Optimize Spacing between Beds and Plants 3) Grow Vertically 4)...

“Urban pioneers taking it to the next level with everything from Urban Agriculture to Robotics and Aquaponic fish farming. A 20K Square ft Laboratory...

“In a country with very little arable land (only 12% compared with 20% in the US), in one of the most populated cities in the world, one company...

Starting a home garden and planting your own crops might take time getting used to, but the benefits that you can reap for both your body and mind are...

The Brooklyn Grange is an urban farm that sits upon a high-rise in Brooklyn Navy Yard. Teamed with it’s sister farm in Long Island City, Queens,...

Florida homeowners are known for having a propensity for upscale, tropical landscapes. They pride themselves on lush green lawns in front of their homes....

“In this presentation you will learn how small scale farming can be used to create a high-income producing farm or improve your current operation. See...

“By the end of the 20th century, nearly 80% of Americans lived in urban areas. And they no longer knew who grew their food. Then something happened....

10 Leaf-Eating Bugs and How to Stop Them From Destroying Your Garden Gardening is such a rewarding experience. But it can also be absolutely devastating...

“With a limited amount of space and difficulty using heavy machinery, most rooftop farms tend to grow high-value and easy-to-harvest crops, especially...