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“Madison Fields, a project of Madison House Autism Foundation, is a 400-acre property in Dickerson, MD that will provide housing, employment, and...

“Chef John Mooney believes so strongly in local food that for his latest restaurant in Manhattan’s West Village, most of his produce travels...

Let Us Compost is a curbside composting service for homes, businesses and events. They started in 2012 with one truck and this year they began picking...

Read the full story at: ““ ...

“It was a scene that’s become familiar since the announcement in 2009 of her commitment to healthy eating and reducing childhood obesity: Michelle...

“The farm’s solar power is generated by 23,000 mirrors that reflect sunlight towards a 115-meter (377-foot) high receiver tower. On a sunny...

Paris has passed a new law stating that ANYONE is allowed to plant and grow food in urban areas within city limits.  After applying for a permit, gardeners...

“They knew they had to maximize greenhouse space so they decided to grow vertical and to grow differently. They experimented with hydroponics and...

“Sheila Cassani began farming her rental home while a college student. She started with a small vegetable patch, but it soon spread to keeping chickens...

“There is a growing trend of people seeking to connect with nature and create more sustainable local food systems. A diverse variety of urban spaces...

25 percent of the population fled Detroit between 2000 and 2010. Large amounts of the downtown retail area are vacant as well. Meanwhile, urban homesteaders...

“Rare strains of corn, beans, squash and other native crops might have been lost forever if not for the protection efforts of the Potawatomi and...

Last Chance! Must join before October 4th if you’d like to receive a shipment this Month. Shipments go out October 5th. Get seeds & garden supplies...

Just a few weeks ago in Florida, a judge made a ruling that growing vegetables in your front yard is illegal. It took place in the upscale village of Miami...

Farming once required a lot of space, but that’s not the case anymore. Homegrown produce is becoming more and more available to city dwellers across...

Lower Manhattan is being transformed into an “Old MacDonald” type area where eager children will learn about animals and agriculture alike. “What...

Calling all Urban Organic Gardener’s! Did you know that right now is the perfect time to start planning your Fall/Winter urban gardens? Join the...