Take a peek at an Urban Garden growing food in containers, right in downtown Fort Lauderdale!
John from http://www.growingyourgreens.com/ goes on a field...
“Britta Riley wanted to grow her own food (in her tiny apartment). So she and her friends developed a system for growing plants in discarded plastic...
A new life for some old beer crates! An urban garden idea from Vienna.
Credit: useitsmartly
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This post and its images are from this website: http://theyarden.com (link to the article).
Troughs, also known as stock tanks, make a great and attractive...
Source: ResilientCommunities.com
“We have spent a fair amount of time discussing vertical gardening techniques and how beneficial it can be for those...
Follow Urban Organic Gardener on Pinterest! A great place for DIY ideas, and garden inspiration from fellow Urban Gardeners everywhere! http://www.pinterest.com/uogardener/boards/
I don’t know about you guys but I think this is pretty badass!
The produce grown on the roof goes directly to a restaurant one floor down. The practices...
Imagine seeing this truck driving down your street. Fast food, eh? Well, the story goes Mr. Curt Ellis grows his good out of the bed of his truck. Pretty...
Anybody need a hand with gardening today? A fun way to show off your old gardening gloves! Hang them from a line, & grow some lettuce or herbs inside...
Source: http://www.insockmonkeyslippers.com/crunchy-baked-asparagus-fries-with-lemon-herb-sriracha-dip
Crunchy Baked Asparagus Fries with Lemon Herb Sriracha...