“Urban farming in Minnesota reached a milestone this summer, when the state announced the first round of grants for agriculture education and development projects in cities. It’s the first time the state has allocated money specifically for urban agriculture, and it took several tries to get the legislation passed. Michael Chaney, a long-time advocate from...
“GLENS FALLS — It might not seem like soil and some seeds could make a difference in someone’s life but for the clients at the East Side Center, nurturing plants and flowers have helped them to blossom. Jodi Gagnon, who said she deals with alcoholism and has post-traumatic stress disorder, was attending a dual recovery meeting last February when she...
“INDIANAPOLIS — An urban farm opening in central Indiana will provide women coming out of the criminal justice system with a place to live and work so they can get their lives back on track. While working at Bellfound Farm, the women will also receive mental health counseling, coaching and skill development training. Alena Jones, co-founder...
Curious as to what you should be planting before your first fall frost gets here? Take a look at these 9 cool-season veggies that you can start now, and enjoy in 60 days or less! Carrots, Spinach, Green Onions, Radishes, Lettuce, Kale, Mustard Greens, Swiss Chard & Mizuna! Carrots are an annual cool-season crop, half-hardy to frost and light freezes. They develop...
“Atlanta’s urban agriculture movement is fortunate to have no shortage of charismatic and passionate people who can, and will, expound at length about their love of land and soil, fresh produce, food security and growing community. When Carol Hunter is having a rough day at work, she thinks of the mothers and children who are nourished physically and mentally...
“CENTER CITY (WPVI) –A garden in the shadow of Philadelphia City Hall is providing food for the city’s hungry. But it could be facing its final harvest. The plot along the 1400 block of JFK Boulevard is running out of funding. To date it has produced more than 1,300 pounds of fresh vegetables for the homeless served by Broad Street Ministries....
“It’s the type of experience expected at a top-rated restaurant: Diners gaze at produce growing in a hydroponic garden next to the kitchen. Behind plexiglass, herbs are carefully plucked in anticipation of being added to every plate. This high-tech take on farm-to-table, however, is being built for the cafeteria of a New York City public school in Manhattan. As...
“WASHINGTON (Circa) — Neighbors in Stuart, Florida, are irritated with their fellow resident who has been doing yard work in the nude. “I came out Sunday night to put the trash out, and I look over and he is bent over, winding up his hose, and I’m like that is my view of the neighborhood,” Melissa Ny, a neighbor, told WPBF-TV. “He works...
Now is the time to start making solid plans for your fall and winter garden. Follow this simple planting schedule for a great start, or visit our online interactive planting calendar for a more detailed description of what you should be planting when based on your exact location and grow zone. 12-14 Weeks Before Your First Frost Date Direct...
“The Farm-to-School program entered another phase this week with visits to the Urban Farm. The program, a partnership between the Columbia Center for Urban Agriculture and Columbia Public Schools, targets third- and fifth-graders at Alpha Hart Lewis, Battle, Benton STEM, Blue Ridge, Derby Ridge, New Haven, West Boulevard and Parkade elementary schools. They...
“As the food movement gains strength and farm-to-fork practices become increasingly popular, many cities across the United States are investing in urban agriculture, both to attract tourists and to improve community health. For example, in Detroit, which The Washington Post has dubbed a “food mecca,” advocates are using urban farms and community gardens...
“Sitting on top of a small asphalt parking lot at 830 W. Central Ave., you can find 12 cedar wood raised garden boxes. The boxes are surrounded by a wooden post-and-cinder block fence to separate it from the rest of the parking lot. During the summer, you will see most garden staples that tend to do well in Montana, such as onions, carrots, tomatoes, peppers,...
“Most of us think of spring as gardening season, but fall provides a terrific opportunity for another harvest. Squash, beans and even potatoes can be planted over the coming weeks, along with other vegetables. Alas, it’s too late for tomatoes. They should have been planted back in July. (But I planted some in mid-September once and had the best fall...
“I often hear from vegetable or flower gardeners who are unhappy with their soil quality. They routinely incorporate organic matter in the soil each fall, but are still disappointed with their heavy soil. Why aren’t they developing beautiful crumbly dark brown soil that’s easy to plant and great for vegetable root crops? Routinely tilling your garden...
“Many city dwellers take nutrition matters into their own hands through Urban gardening. But is urban air good for our garden veggies? Of course, water, air and soil are key foundations of plant life. But what happens when metals in the form of gases and particulate matters are added ingredients? Ahkinyala Cobb-Abdullah, PhD would like to explore that topic...
“RENO, Nev. — At Brenton Aikin and Kass Freitas’ home in Midtown Reno, neat rows of kale, salad greens, and baby root vegetables cover the entire front yard. Out back, a greenhouse covers a variety of cherry tomatoes climbing up trellises. The couple’s crops are not just for personal consumption. It’s their first season producing as Ital...
“Farm to table” has become so ubiquitous that’s it’s boring. (Also, the term never really made sense to me—doesn’t all food start out on a farm and end up on a table, even if that farm is some massive corporate entity and the food is processed along the way?) Now any chef worth his or her salt is making the most of seasonal ingredients from local farmers,...
“Some Bayer AG investors were surprised to learn about the thousands of farmers lining up before U.S. courts to argue that Roundup — the blockbuster weedkiller the German company recently acquired when it bought Monsanto Co. — had given them cancer. But Roundup is hardly the only chemical in Monsanto’s portfolio carrying legal risks. There are...
If you’re looking for an easy way to start your seeds, we suggest giving rockwool cubes a try! Follow these simple 7 Tips For Using Rockwool and it might just end up being your new favorite grow medium. Ready to buy seeds that will grow well in rockwool? Shop all seeds for Hydroponics & Vertical Tower Garden Systems > ...