Try growing these 38 beautiful edible flowers in your yard or garden. Not only will you help provide nectar for friendly pollinators in your garden, but you’ll have fragrant, and delicious blooms that you can enjoy adding to your favorite culinary dishes. They look great, and taste great, too! Follow these tips for eating flowers safely: via TreeHugger.com Eat...
“Fore! Ok, maybe a few more than four. Closer to 2,000. But the golf clubs used by Wayne Riedel and Eric Joosten in Darien’s urban garden on Old King’s Highway aren’t for any golf game. The pair has recycled thousands of golf clubs to use for stakes in their expansive garden now more than five years strong. They cut the ends off with a pair of cutters.” “Genovese...
“It’s official. As tragically revealing as the move might be, the rusty-patched bumble bee has now joined the grizzly bear, gray wolf, northern spotted owl, and some 700 others on the endangered species list — the first bee ever to garner those protections in the continental United States. Once abundant in the grasslands and prairies in 31 states in the...
“DETROIT (WXYZ) – As urban gardening grows in popularity more and more people are trying their hand at a green thumb. However, those new to urban gardening should be aware of the threats caused by soil with contaminants and the need to test. “In this situation, ignorance is not bliss,” said Michigan Urban Farm Initiative’s B.J. Franovic....
“Last summer, Paul Maeillo had to clear a vacant lot in North Philadelphia, and he wasn’t happy about it. He’d done it plenty of times before, as part of the Philadelphia Horticultural Society’s LandCare program, which hires local contractors to maintain the neighborhood’s many abandoned parcels. But on this day the lot was full of wildflowers — and...
“OAKLAND, Calif. — Even by the standards of the Bay Area, where sourcing local, organic chicken feed is seen as something of a political act, the spectacle of 30,000 fruit and nut trees being tended by formerly incarcerated orchardists is novel. The green thumbs are there because of Planting Justice, a nine-year-old nonprofit that combines urban farming...
“It feels good, putting the seed down. Watching it grow. Watching it produce fruit. It’s a beautiful thing,” said Darian Belton, owner of T&T Plant-ery. Belton has a full-time job at a car rental place, but what really drives him, is creating a sustainable food source; especially for those who can’t do it themselves. “We want to...
Mosquitoes can quickly ruin the enjoyment of your outdoor garden experience. Ordinary repellents are full of nasty chemicals that you probably don’t want to put onto your family, and bug zappers are annoying. It also can be debated, how effective candles or incense really is.The threat of contracting a disease from a mosquito is very real. Not only are humans...
HAPPENING TODAY– “Hundreds of thousands of concerned citizens will hit the streets May 19th, 2018 for the 7th international March Against Monsanto grassroots campaign. The global events will take place in hundreds of cities on six continents with the objective to further educate and raise awareness about Monsanto’s genetically modified seeds and the increasingly...
OFFICIAL TRAILER 2018: Genetically Modified Children, Coming June 5. “Can Monsanto chemicals permanently alter your child’s genes? Low-income tobacco farmers face skyrocketing cancer rates with more devastating repercussions affecting their children: severe physical deformities and mental disabilities. Choosing between poverty or poison, Latin American growers...
Aloha Familia! Our beloved Laura & Noah Dawn are going through a huge life-upheaval with the volcanic eruptions happening in their hometown of Pahoa, Hawaii. They have packed up their entire sanctuary as much as possible and are leaving their property with deep hopes of returning to pristine land once again. However, this is having a mega impact on their income...
“Vacant lots dot lower-income neighborhoods across the country. In many cities, urban growers have planted in those lots, repurposing abandoned city land into gardens with farmers markets and healthy food. But cities often still register such plots as “vacant,” which allows them to be snatched up by housing developers. In communities where both housing...
“A former Baltimore County steel mill is going green, as a Chicago-based urban farming operation looks to transform a portion of the former Sparrows Point site into a large greenhouse. Gotham Greens is opening a 100,000-square-foot hydroponic greenhouse at Tradepoint Atlantic, the massive redevelopment project planned for Sparrows Point, according to a news...
One-acre garden provides fruit, veggies and eggs for 50 families with very little labor More and more people are learning growing food doesn’t have to be hard work. When you work with nature instead of against it, it does much of the work for you. It’s called permaculture. While permaculture gardens require a year or two of work up front — mostly restoring...
Urban areas are difficult for someone who wants to maintain a fresh diet. The main reason is money: fresh vegetables and fruits are expensive because the product has to be shipped and you end up paying for the delivery cost more than for the quality of the product itself. With the Mobile Good Food Market, you can have your fresh veggies and greens without traveling....
Learn 30 Things That Can Make Your Garden Better! 1. Cardboard and Newspapers Must you have cardboards and newspapers? Do you know you can use them in your garden? From putting them into the compost to suppressing weeds or this DIY newspaper seed starter, there are many ways. Find out more cardboard uses here! 2. Wine Bottles From creating a water fountain to bird...
Seedlings do not emerge after planting: It’s possible that not enough time has passed. Make sure your soil is not too dry and that the temperature is correct for starting whatever seeds you’re trying to grow. Wondering what plants grow best during specific times of the year? Read Gardening Through the Different Seasons. Plants grow slowly with light green...
“While browns and greens are essential to composting, they only provide the venue and the buffet. A vast web of critters, creatures, and itty-bitty beings do all of the work of transforming browns and greens into black gold. Composters fondly refer to them as the F.B.I.: fungi, bacteria, and invertebrates. Check out their dossiers. 1. Fungi Why did the mushroom...
DENVER — Gone are the days of moving to rural communities to become farmers. Instead, more and more people living in metro areas are becoming, ‘Urban Farmers’; especially when it comes to raising chickens. “I joined a lot of chicken groups on the internet I never thought I’d join,” a slightly embarrassed Aaron Serna admitted. At first, Serna didn’t...