“A former golf course in New Orleans’ City Park has been transformed into the city’s biggest urban farm—Grow Dat Youth Farm. The seven-acre sustainable farming nonprofit features a low-energy Eco-Campus built with seven recycled shipping containers and designed by Tulane University architecture students. The urban farming and leadership program teaches...
“In the past few years, the prices of conventional produce have increased steadily. As a result, many families have decided to grow their own foods at home, especially vegetables and herbs. Indoor or outdoor, almost everyone are now enjoying setting up their home organic garden so they can save money and keep their family healthy at all times. Now, if you are...
“Making your own natural fertilizers is a safe and effective way to grow a lush, chemical-free garden. Since there are multiple options for DIY natural fertilizers, you may want to experiment with different formulations in different areas of the garden. For example, you could try compost tea for acid-loving plants, fireplace ashes for plants that prefer more...
“Summer is usually the most exciting season for a gardener, but for many of Detroit’s black farmers, the harvest is also about survival. In its annual look at the city’s food systems, the Detroit Food Policy Council, a food security advisory board, found in 2017 that 47 percent of Detroiters — roughly 300,000 residents — were eligible for food stamps....
Buy, sell and trade homegrown produce from your phone. Cropswap is the groundbreaking local food app that connects urban gardeners, farmers and casual growers who happen to have an extra tree! Go download it and start selling, buying and trading produce with folks around you. Customer Reviews Genius!!! Love the app 😀 // by EstefaniaRebellon I just...
“For nearly 150 years, many residents in the Washington, D.C., area have turned to W.S. Jenks & Son for their hardware and home improvement needs. The product selection has shifted from wood-burning stoves, heaters and horseshoes to an array of modern hardware and lawn and garden products, but the business remains a spot for community members to gather. In...
“The dream of urban gardens sprouting up across San Diego on small pockets of blighted, empty land has been stymied by legal wrangling over property tax incentives created to spur the creation of the gardens. More than 18 months after the San Diego City Council approved one of the first urban garden incentives in the state, no gardens have been created because...
“I spend a lot (probably too much) of time at home. As a freelance writer, most of my days used to begin with a casual wake-up initiated by my internal alarm clock and a sluggish relocation from my bed to the kitchen table. Sometimes, I feared I might need to have the “I know it looks like I haven’t moved from this spot since you left, but I promise I...
“Victoriaville, Que., has long defended its title as the greenest city in the province. It was one of the first municipalities in the province to implement door-to-door composting back in 1998 and offers incentives for ecological home construction materials. ”People tell us they move to Victoriaville because they want to adhere to the movement that...
Starting this month, local nonprofit Hope for the Inner City will begin recruiting an army of chickens to aid in the nonprofit’s mission to bring fresh produce to low-income households, but recruiters say they still need community support. Since early this summer, Hope for the Inner City has been asking community members for donations of $25 to sponsor laying...
Six-year-olds Darren Eaton and Rudi Petruziello climbed to the top of a dirt pile, took a seat, and started digging, but Glass City Goat Gals owner Liz Harris didn’t mind. “I’m so glad they’re playing in the dirt,” she said. “That’s what it’s there for.” It’s hard to imagine a cul-de-sac in central Toledo...
**IF you wish to receive a shipment for this month, you MUST JOIN before 11:59 pm PST Monday, September 4th!** Now is the time to start collecting seeds for your fall/winter gardens. Let our Garden Guru’s hand select popular heirloom, GMO-FREE varieties for you to start each month, customized to your location and grow zone! (Think frost hardy crops or varieties...
Greenhouse in the Snow, built by a former mailman, grows an abundance of local produce high on the Nebraska plains. “We can grow the best citrus in the world, right here on the high plains,” says Russ Finch, the former mailman (pictured above) who is the creative superstar genius responsible for building the Greenhouse in the Snow. And he can do it spending only...
The Joy of Growing Window Herbs Year-Round Have you ever thought about growing your own indoor herbs? If you’re kitchen windowsill isn’t already crammed full of pots overflowing with leaves, then it should be! The beauty of keeping a “windowsill herb garden” is that you can rely on a steady supply of leaves all through the year. When outdoor plants have died...
BLYTHEVILLE, ARK. — Clay Mayes slams on the brakes of his Chevy Silverado and jumps out with the engine running, yelling at a dogwood by the side of the dirt road as if it had said something insulting. Its leaves curl downward and in on themselves like tiny, broken umbrellas. It’s the telltale mark of inadvertent exposure to a controversial herbicide called dicamba. “This...
“First ribbon-cutting for a farm in probably 100 years in the City of Pittsburgh,” quipped Mayor Bill Peduto at the future site of Hilltop Urban Farm, a 107-acre property in the city’s tiny St. Clair neighborhood in South Pittsburgh that includes 23 acres of farmland. Upon completion, it will be the largest urban farm in the United States. Located on the site...
It may come as a surprise to most of the people who grow vegetable in their garden, that in the US, it is illegal! At least, that’s what a case in Miami has brought to public light. Bear in mind that we are talking about the front yard, which in the view of the State, represented by attorney Richard Sarafan in the above-mentioned case, is in the legitimate purpose...
“A new urban farm has sprouted on the east side in a most unlikely setting. Surrounded by industry, the 7-acre farm is in The Finish Line’s backyard. The retailer, which has its corporate headquarters near 30th Street and Mitthoeffer Road in Indianapolis, is the latest organization to partner with Brandywine Creek Farms and its owner, Jonathan Lawler,...
In a parking lot outside a former pharmaceutical factory in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Bedford-Stuyvesant, 10 entrepreneurs have spent the last nine and a half months learning how to take on the industrial food system through urban farming. Square Roots–a vertical farming accelerator co-founded by Kimbal Musk, with a campus of climate-controlled farms in shipping...
“Revitalization projects on Wilmington’s East Side are helping to nourish, raise hope and rebuild a community plagued with poverty, crime, blight, and low homeownership rates. Urban Acres Produce is among those ventures. “This is the perfect example of what it takes to revitalize a neighborhood,” said City Council President Hanifa Shabazz. Shabazz...